
Showing posts from November, 2022

First steps on the dragon belt (playtest report)

  There is a little project I've been working on for a few weeks now, a zine/system (that I might call dragon dust) focusing on the dragon belt, a set of floating islands forming a giant staircase to the moon. The setting is inspired partly by the wild west, and partly by Morrowind (I won't explain how in this post). The aesthetic is also influenced by late 90, early 00 anime and mangas, more specifically Cowboy Bebop, Trigun and Et Cetera.  The dragon belt is a lawless place filled with charismatic wayfarers, sketchy bandits, forgotten tombs, mysterious mines and ghost towns. I had the opportunity to run a few games with it, using my troll's bridge poker system  (keep in mind that this version is already quite outdated, but will give you an idea of the rules used). These sessions helped me refine the system, get a good feel of the place, and the last game was especially fun. Here is how it went : Roy the wandering seer,  Allan wizard extraordinaire, Salay the lying ...